Well I am up late tonight but I am almost finished a great new Applique Halloween Banner. I am stitching the wool appliques with coordinating embroidery floss, so I pulled out my hand dandy storage totes. I love these little guys, they are so cute and make me smile. It was

very easy and inexpensive to put all this together. The plastic containers, floss cards and pink winder cost less then $20.00. I begin by writing the DMC number on the card and then slip the wrappers off the skeins. Place the winder upright on the dividing walls of the container. Attach the cards to the winder, the floss to the card and start winding. When finished secure the floss to the card and most fun of all, place the wound card in color order, light to dark. I do enjoy putting the cards in color order, yes a little compulsion thing going on there but it's manageable ;) I keep the totes in a canvas bag with other cross stitch essentials in the cupboard under my cutting table. My three year old always gushes when I open the cupboar

d, "oh Mom can I play with your toys too" Yes this cupboard has "Mom's toys" in it. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the pictures and are inspired to sort your embroidery floss stash. Don't forget to write the color number on each card before you add the wrappers to the garbage pile, it takes the guess work out of what color it is exactly. Let me know your storage tricks and tips or your applique/embroidery story I can send you a coupon code for discounts on your next download from
The Pattern Place. Happy Quilting
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