Well tomorrow is a busy day in our house. Our oldest daughter turns a great big, huge, 3 years old. She is a ray of sunshine and a storm of emotions as all toddlers/preschoolers should be, I thankfully cherish the days when that doesn't happen all at one time ;) Big kisses little girl.
I have had some very productive hours at my machine and more recently with my quilting frame and now have some personal projects finished and quilted. I love to see the 'to be quilted' pile shrinking and the 'just needs binding' pile growing. I must remember to take some pictures during this process, usually it's the middle of the night and or I am just so excited to get something done I simply forget. I will of course post some pictures of the finished product here and when I get the patterns up on
The Pattern Place website.
Well in endless pursuit of all things quilting within the vastness of the internet I have come

across a wonderful new magazine and quilt designer.
Quilter's Connection is a new quarterly Canadian Quilting Publication that looks GREAT. I am still trying to track down my copy of the first issue but the website is very nice and complete. I knew I was in love when I saw the applique project on the front cover. It is a wonderful and sophisticated example of modern applique quilting and so I went on a search for more details.

The designer is a fellow Canadian and stay at home mom, Laurraine Yuyama of
Patchwork Pottery. Her designs are beautiful and so delicious. I am so encouraged and inspired by the direction quilting is taking here at home.
Very exciting, congratulations to all. I am determined to get my copy this week. Thank goodness for the internet, I wouldn't have known what fun I was missing out on otherwise ;) Happy Quilting