Well, with some toil and a little struggle the renovations to
The Pattern Place web presence are complete, mostly. We are still working a few little bugs out - so if you see any please let me know :) I am now re-focused and excited about new patterns and maybe some new pattern example projects, we will have to see.
I have been invited to join a wonderful quilting group and I am absolutely loving it. It is a real joy to be with other quilters and breathe in their energy and creativity. Thank you ladies, I look forward to the next few months and some great afternoons.
My three year old and I decided that we need a St. Patrick's Day decoration for our house. Love that. So, if the day goes as planned she and I will have a shamrock banner to show for our efforts. So fun. No pictures yet but maybe tomorrow?
Happy Quilting
We had such a great day making our shamrock banner, follow the link to see a picture of it nearly finished. We added and green 3" border and tried a new to me binding/backing technique. It all worked out quite well. Love you big girl.